Meeting Minutes, March 3, 2009

Bonnie Anderson, filling in for Karen Doty

The Board convened at 6:40 PM on March 3, 2009, at the Huning Highland Preservation Station and Community Center on Coal Street.  Minutes from the last meeting on February 3 were approved.

President Joaquin Garofalo reminded the Board that the deadline for the next newsletter is March 13 and that newsletters will be ready for volunteer distributors to pickup at his house on March 20.  The next monthly meeting of the Board will be on April 7 at 6:30 at the Community Center on Coal and the neighborhood will be invited.  While the current signage on this building will remain, TACA will allow us to add a smaller sign for the Community Center.  Extra chairs will be available and neighbors are encouraged to bring their ideas for neighborhood improvement. Joaquin encouraged all Board members to be present for this meeting.

After a discussion about interest in starting a community garden for the neighborhood, the Board agreed that this work would more appropriately be handled by a separate group from the Board.  This group would need to address a wide variety of issues including location, responsibilities and access fees for participants, fencing, water supply, and tools.

Lauren Austin reported on the results of a recent brainstorming session with some Board members and other interested community residents on parking problems in the area around Edith and Central.  The Board encouraged Lauren and her group to continue to research two of the issues raised by the group: (1) parking stickers for residents paired with signage that would allow up to two hours of parking without a sticker for customers of local businesses and visitors to residences; (2) working with the appropriate City employee to expand use of the Arno parking garage to allow parking on an hourly fee basis.  Ann Carson provided the background on how the landscaped parking area at Arno and Silver came about and the Board discussed how we might be able to encourage owners of vacant lots being used for parking to beautify those areas. Joaquin volunteered to find out whom to call at the City when residents notice cars parking on bare dirt vacant lots in the neighborhood.  On a related issue, a majority of the Board reiterated its opposition to a downtown arena.

Kay Adams updated the Board on the Grand Victorian Ball on May 2. Since the last meeting, details of “Franz Huning’s Feast” have been arranged.  Slate Street Cafe will cater the Feast, offering a choice of chicken, salmon, and vegetarian entrees.  Guests may purchase a Feast ticket for $40 or a combination Feast and Ball ticket for $70.  If guests prefer to attend only the Ball, the $40 ticket will include the dance class the night before, as well as a dessert served at intermission during the Ball.  Beer, wine, and sodas will be available at a cash bar.  Flyers for the Victorian Ball will be mailed in mid-March to former Dickens guests and Victorian Ball enthusiasts from neighboring states.  Out-of-town guests will be offered special rates at Steve and Kara Grant’s bed and breakfast.  Kay will be recruiting a decorating committee soon.

Jerry Adams reported on the LUCC work session he attended recently featuring new information about various replacement windows in all historic Albuquerque neighborhoods.  He said that the LUCC will be making decisions on requests coming before them based on the historically appropriate appearance of the replacement window rather than on its materials.

Joaquin reported that he met with current webmaster and former Board member Salley Trefethen.  Salley agreed to continue to make minor changes in the neighborhood website.  If major changes are needed, the Board will have to find a new webmaster and host.

The mission statement drafted by the Board at its last meeting was approved: Creating an historic community for now and the future.

Amberley Pyles reported that the Silver Hills neighborhood wanted to do a Mother’s Day tour of historic homes and the Board asked her to discuss the possibility of sharing the tour with them.  In other words, a tour guest could purchase a ticket for entry to perhaps five homes in Silver Hills and five homes in Huning Highland.

Cindy Carson asked the Board for advice on the next step for implementing sign toppers to advertise Huning Highland.  Jerry agreed to help Cindy analyze the technical details of attaching the proposed sign topper to the wide variety of intersection street marker signs in the neighborhood.

Bonnie Anderson reported on the landscaping plans for the Lead/Coal project and asked the Board for input on any plants they would like to see featured or prohibited in new plantings along Lead and Coal.  The Board agreed to recommend that prickly pear and other thorny species low to the ground be excluded because they collect windblown litter that is difficult to remove.

A clean up and plant exchange day is planned for March 28.  Joaquin, Ann, and Cindy agreed to make a list of clean up activities needed around the Community Center for volunteers to work on that day.  A neighborhood yard sale will be postponed until the fall.

Bonnie Anderson agreed to work with Ann, Cindy, Joaquin, and Amberley to explore ideas for an outdoor space adjacent to the Community Center.

The meeting adjourned at 7:45 PM.


Minutes April 7, 2009


Meeting Minutes, Feb 3, 2009