Community Garden
We aim to create a lovely urban oasis, provide space for raising organic veggies, and build community.
Community Garden Story
The Huning Highlands community garden was originally a paved lot that was used by the adjoining gas station. After the station closed, the lot became an unsightly nuisance collecting weeds and trash. In 2009, volunteers helped remove blacktop and iron fencing, dig trenches to accommodate watering, and bring in new soil for the 10 rows. In the summer of 2010, the first group of gardeners planted for the first time.
Over the years, the gardeners have organized themselves in different ways. For several years they worked all rows in common, making decisions and doing work together. In later years, each gardener agreed to pay one-tenth of the annual water bill and “rented” a row for the season. The group has also made improvements and modifications to the garden over time. After the first couple years, they added the shade structure. They had chickens and bees for several years, tried gardening outside the main garden area, and added donated fruit trees and furniture. In 2019 the group added an herb garden, peach tree, raspberry bush, and a row of asparagus.
Our mission for the garden is to create a lovely urban oasis, to provide a space for raising organic veggies, and to build community. We invite all Huning Highland neighbors to stop by and enjoy the peace and beauty of the garden. If you are interested in gardening a row, please review the Gardener Policy and let us know at the next Association Meeting.
Come on by.
We invite all Huning Highland neighbors to stop by and enjoy the peace and beauty of the garden.
Gardener Policy
Community garden participation is open to those who live or own property in the neighborhood, have $50 to pay up front for the annual water fee for one row, and are willing to abide by the following agreements:
This is an organic garden. Any soil amendments or pest control must be organic.
You can plant anything you want in your row except squash (because of squash bugs) and mint (because it spreads like crazy). What you harvest from your row can be shared with family and friends, but not sold.
Be respectful of fellow gardeners. Keep your dog outside the fence, keep children from running around in the garden, keep your row weeded, and keeping your spreading veggies contained or trimmed so walkways are clear on either side of your row.
The $50 annual water fee includes any supplemental hand watering you may want to do for plants in your row. However, each gardener needs to cover the cost of anything (other than water) they chooses to put in their row.
Participating gardeners communicate via a group email list. This is a privilege; please be respectful in all your communications. Our email list helps volunteers/organizers communicate in order to process decisions that impact the rest of the group.
Understand that we have not found the need to lock the garden or install security cameras.
The gardeners all agree to revisit these agreements at the annual end-of-season harvest potluck and will make decisions based on majority vote of those present at that event.