Meeting Minutes November 4, 2009

Location: Preservation Station

Presiding: Joaquin Garofalo

Start Time: 6:35 PM


2 years remaining


1 year remaining


Adams, Kay


Austin, Lauren


Anderson, Bonnie


Bromberg, Ryan


Doty, Karen


Carson, Ann


Garofalo, Joaquin


Grassel, Kathy


Grant, Steve


Hoch, Liam


Pyles, Amberley


Thornton, Karla


Spittler, Lee





Agenda item:  Minutes from October 7, 2009

Discussion: Members asked if Liam was still interested in serving on the Board.

Action: Minutes were approved by a unanimous vote.


Agenda item: Property Concerns – 402 Broadway SE

Discussion: This vacant commercial building on the corner of Lead and Broadway is a magnet for crime in the area. Neighbor Kat Owensby has asked the Board for help.  Options were discussed. Amberley reported that the current owner of the building, Brian Rothman, is looking for a buyer.

Action: Karen volunteered to call Bill Hoch, former Board member and current member of the Safe City Task Force, to see what he recommended.


Agenda item: Property concerns – 222 High SE

Discussion:Realtor Jim Maddox has a buyer for this boarded up house by the park, but he cannot locate the owner.  The owner reportedly owes about $88,000 on the property.  Lauren agreed that the owner could not be located.

Action: Amberley agreed to draft a letter that the Board might send to the City about this property.  She will distribute the draft to the Board via email for discussion at the December meeting.


Agenda item: Property concerns – 227 High SE

Discussion: Ann reported that the tenant who was causing the problems has left so this property is no longer a concern.

Action: None.


Agenda item: 408 Edith SE

Discussion: Ann reported that the addition to this property posed no concern.

Action:            None.


Agenda item:Adopt a Park

Discussion: Amberley reported that the City does not have enough resources to maintain our park properly.  She encouraged us to adopt this park and help create an improved design that would be an investment in the future of our neighborhood.  Joni Neutra referred to her article in the November newsletter about how neighbors could buy a new tree for the park for $200 to mark an important event.

Action: Amberley agreed to meet with a Parks representative and another volunteer she had recruited to create a new design for our park.  Amberley also agreed to continue to keep communicating with David Oberstein, owner of the Hotel Parq, who has expressed an interest in upgrading our park.


Agenda item:Newsletter

Discussion: Continue the current amount of business card ads in the newsletter. Continue to publish on a quarterly basis.

Action:Next deadline will be in March for and early April publication.


Agenda item:Community Garden

Discussion: Bonnie presented a budget of $4,680 to cover start up costs.  Lauren objected, citing other needs of residents in our neighborhood that were higher priority and that if people really wanted to garden they could use their own yards.  Others commented on the Board’s support for this concept as a community building activity.  Perhaps the Board should sponsor a neighborhood planning meeting to collect ideas for the use of the outdoor areas.

Action:Motion by Amberley, second by Ann, to allocate $2,500 for the community garden; motion passed with Lauren dissenting.  Bonnie was asked to present a revised budget at the December meeting.  We will consider a neighborhood planning meeting at the December meeting.


Agenda item:Next meeting

Discussion:December 2, 2009, at 6:30 at Preservation Station

Action: None


Agenda item:Work party for Preservation Station (“the clubhouse”)

Discussion: Ann asked for volunteers to help with painting on Saturday, November 7.

Action:Karen and Lee agreed to help.  Joaquin asked that we discuss a prioritized budget for all remaining expenses related to the renovation of preservation Station, at the December meeting.


Agenda item:Lease with TACA

Discussion: Lauren presented a detailed lease agreement but recommended that the Board seek the advice of an attorney. Steve suggested that we might be able to get by with just a written agreement between the Board and TACA, outlining mutual uses.  Kathy noted we might be able to get pro-bono support from a local attorney.

Action: Continue discussion at the December meeting.


Agenda item:Parking

Discussion: The committee needs to meet.

Action:Postponed until December meeting.


Agenda item:Web Site

Discussion: Salley Trefethen and Kris have been collaborating to create a communication tool for the neighborhood that also features historical perspectives, upcoming events, and posting of the quarterly newsletter.  Users would be able to read anything posted and, if they chose, subscribe to get automatic emails notifying them of new postings to areas of the web site they specify.  Salley explained how a rotating features on homes in the neighborhood (with photos, drawings and text) and neighbor of the month could be ways to draw interest to the web site.  An interactive web site is one way to develop neighborhood pride by acknowledging the past and recording residents’ dreams for the future.  In order to cover a slight increase in monthly web fees (from $12 to $30), dues might have to be increased.

Action: Motion by Joni, second by Lauren, to increase dues for the neighborhood association (which would include the subscription fee for the web site) from $5 to $10 beginning January 1, 2010; motion passed unanimously.  The Board also agreed to increase the monthly web payment from $12 to $30.  Discussion of the relationship between ads in the newsletter and ads on the web site was postponed until the December meeting.


Agenda item:Dickens

Discussion: Kay emailed an update to the Board. “Reservations are arriving daily – Ann can give you the exact numbers to date. We’re all set for the church.  Ann is working on getting volunteers for the various tasks – the newsletter details specifics such as duties and approximate times.  It looks like this year’s event will be a great success!”

Action: None



Meeting Minutes, January 6, 2010


Meeting Minutes October 7, 2009