Annual Report 2015

Since our last annual meeting/block party on August 17, 2014, the Board has worked on the following major activities:

  1. Ongoing input to the government (city, county, etc.) regarding the impact of various development projects on the neighborhood (Highland Park renovation; development of the block bounded by Arno, Gold, Broadway, and Central; Lead/Coal issues; Walkable Cities and Complete Streets projects; Albuquerque Rapid Transit; various neighborhood residential projects; disposition of the old fire station)
  2. HHHDA newsletter was created and distributed to the neighborhood in the fall of 2014, spring of 2015, and the current issue (July 2015); newsletter editing transitioned from outgoing Board member Greg Neutra to current editor and Board secretary, Kathy Grassel
  3. Dickens of a Dinner was held Dec. 6; volunteers planned and executed this even led by Board member Ann Carson which draws guests to our neighborhood for a five-course meal at historic homes decorated for the holidays
  4. Community garden activities continued into the sixth year of this volunteer organization; members cover the costs of water irrigation and chicken feed; project leads were Board members Bonnie Anderson and Kathy Grassel
  5. Easter Egg Hunt on April 14 was led this year by Annabel Candelaria with the support of many volunteers
  6. Mother’s Day Home Tour on May 10 featured eight historic homes and businesses in the neighborhood
  7. Tree Project completed Phase One which included the planting of 52 trees in the parkways of owners who had signed an agreement with the City to water the tree appropriately; Phase Two is awaiting the availability of the second $25,000 to the appropriate City department; project leader, David Day, facilitated all major activities of this project 
  8. HHHDA website ( was maintained by Board member Salley Trefethen
  9. Annual Block Party/Annual Meeting is scheduled for early August (see article this newsletter)
  10. Net revenue for this year totaled $2,379.40 

Meeting Minutes, September 2, 2015


Meeting Minutes, June 2, 2015