Minutes | August 4, 2021
Huning Highland Historic District Association Meeting
6:30pm | Preservation Station
No progress on the following: 123 Walter NE, 320 Edith SE, 520 Arno SE
City Council voted to support the decision by Landmarks regarding 400 Arno SE (requiring replacement of vinyl windows and restoration of original front porch columns)
Request to rezone 119 High SE from single family to multi-family (low density) goes to public hearing on August 19 with the support of HHHDA
Lee Spittler – retiring after 15 years of service to the Board
Ann Carson – stepping down from Dickens of a Dinner after 25 successful years
Review of proposed changes to the bylaws on the ballot:
The removal of the requirement for yearly dues from residents and property owners
The removal of language addressing announcements via paper flyers
The acknowledgment of other methods for notification of meetings
Introduction of Board members on the ballot for the upcoming year:
Bonnie Anderson
Elijah and Jen Esquivel
Moises Gonzales (not present) and Karla Thornton
Steve Grant (not present)
Ben Sturge
Bruce Redford
As there were no write-in candidates and no concerns about the changes to the bylaws, the ballot was passed by acclamation of all the members present.