Minutes | April 6, 2022
Huning Highland Historic District Association Meeting
6:30pm | Preservation Station
The officers reported on recent crime in the neighborhood, mostly property crimes. Neighbors complained about the length of time it takes for police to respond to calls reported through 242-COPS. In addition, there were complaints about the practice that ignores follow-up on calls where the offender has already fled the scene by the time officers arrive. One neighbor also complained about the lack of follow-up on an aggravated burglary that occurred this summer. The neighbor was not ever able to find any report that was filed on that crime. The officers responded citing a shortage of officers and a priority system that puts the most urgent calls ahead of all others. For many less violent crimes, their procedures do not allow them to file reports unless they witness the act themselves.
Traffic Lights on Walter at Coal and Lead: Councilor Benton’s office predicts that installation will begin this summer.
119 High SE: Homewise reports that due to age, complexity, and structural issues with this building, the design process has been slow. They plan to bring exterior elevations and floor plans to the May meeting.
Fire station: The Greek Church has been working on renovation but has not decided on how they will use the building.
A non-profit in California has funded a refrigerator housed in a small wooden building with shelves located on Iron outside the 606 Gallery on the SE corner of Iron and Broadway. The unit advertises free food and is accessible 24 hours a day. Neighbors are complaining that transient activity has increased since the free food unit went in and is causing trash and disruptive activity in the area. Calls to the City and the non-profit have not improved the situation. It was suggested that perhaps the Health Department should be contacted since there seems to be no monitoring of food supplies left in the storage unit.
Neighbors on Elm, north of Central, reported recent activity around the Whole Hog restaurant site, including construction of a tall security fence and security screening over all the exterior glass on the restaurant. Neighbors have heard that a dispensary is opening in this building and a grow facility is planned on the parking lot adjacent to the building. Neighbors are concerned that proper permits are not being issued for this construction/business and that a grow facility is not appropriate in the middle of a city. After some discussion, it was suggested that the issue should be referred to the EDo Board since they cover the businesses on Central in our neighborhood.
The passing of Sophie Peron was noted and her contributions to the restoration of many properties in the neighborhood. A tribute will be added to our website.
A neighbor who owns property in this neighborhood but lives in the country club neighborhood suggested that we might want to contact a friend of his who has set up a neighborhood watch for the purpose of reducing crime. Contact information was exchanged.