June Meeting Minutes
Huning Highland Historic District Association Meeting
6:30pm | Preservation Station
Here is a summary of the HHHDA meeting on June 7.
Officer Report:
Officer L. Davis, Crime Prevention Specialist from APD, gave the crime statistics. Officer Davis reported that since our last meeting our neighborhood experienced one of its most eventful crime incident periods. There were three residential thefts, five auto thefts, one commercial burglary and one person was mugged.
Some residents reported some speeding incidents where the speed detectors did not trigger a red light. Discussion revealed that the detectors do not function during AM and PM rush hours since it is feared that it might overly inhibit traffic. The rush hour notwithstanding, there was consensus among the residents in attendance that the new lights were beneficial especially aiding pedestrians crossing Lead and Coal.
Central Avenue Underpass:
Moises Gonzalez, who is running for the seat being vacated by Ike Benton, gave an update on the status of the underpass that has been an ongoing concern. Councilor Benton’s office reports that the current plan is to uncouple the at-grade pedestrian crossing from the Rail-Trail project. The goal is now to construct a pedestrian crossing at-grade ONLY, while vehicle traffic will continue to utilize the existing tunnels. The city is awaiting earmarked federal funding for the project.
Moises also reported that the condition of the tunnel has deteriorated greatly since the cosmetic improvements that were initiated prior to our joint Underpass Guerilla Team’s press conference in May.
Archive articles from the Albuquerque Journal were shared by Dennis, a long-time resident, who began working on improving the Central Avenue underpass conditions more than forty years ago. Clippings from 1979 promising resolution and 1984 noting the use of the tunnel as a urinal were passed around.
Greek Church:
Bonnie noted that the Greek Church plans to rebuild their fence and gate south of the fire stations. There were community concerns that the church planned to turn existing “grassy areas” into parking. Bonnie was told that while they may decide to have people park on the grass for major events, like Greek Fest, Church officials say they have no plans to convert the area to parking permanently.
Creamland Dairy Warehouse:
Dennis voiced concerns about the warehouse situated in our neighborhood on Broadway. The property is vacant and for sale. Dennis outlined the history of the property’s zoning and past industrial chemical issues associated with the property that impacted neighbors in the past. There are concerns about what business or businesses a new property owner might attempt to open on the site, and what, if any, limitations are specified in the current zoning.
Elijah told those assembled that the property was in his wife Jen’s family. He said that he would keep us up to date with any progress on the sale. An internet search purported that the asking price was $3.8 million dollars.
There was some discussion and disagreement on the scope of the zoning and the purported price. More solid information and research may be needed. For now, we will be awaiting more information and status updates on this property.
August Annual Meeting:
Bonnie solicited input from the assembled about issues related to the August meeting.
First, there was consensus that we continue to couple the annual board elections with the traditional block party.
Second, it was decided that the association would not repeat the expensive, incomplete mailing that was done in 2022. Instead, we will rely on three other means to inform our neighborhood and promote the meeting. The whiteboard on the old gas station will be used to advertise the event along with an announcement on our website. Flyers will be placed in Central Avenue businesses and on neighborhood light poles. It was decided not to go door to door to distribute flyers. There were several of those attending that volunteered to help with distributing the flyers and one member volunteered paper and printing of ~500 flyers.
New Winter Event:
The EDo business association has not responded enthusiastically to the proposed joint Press Club event that was presented to their board. Current business and economic conditions appear to have monopolized the efforts of our local business owners.
It was decided that our association would pursue the event on our own. Co-chairs were established. The Winter Event committee will solicit good and/or services to be auctioned from area businesses and talented neighbors. Those with connections to the Press Club will research possible dates for the event. It was the consensus that we should try for a date in the holiday season. The exact nature of the auction will be worked out later. Initially the plan was for a silent auction during the event. There was a recommendation that a live auction might be more exciting and productive. Some felt that it could be a mix with a few special items subject to live auction while the remaining would adhere to the original plan of a silent auction.
The meeting was adjourned. Next meeting will be Wednesday July 5th.