Meeting Minutes February 3, 2010

Preservation Station 6:35 PM, Joaquin Garofalo presiding


2 years remaining


1 year remaining


Adams, Kay


Austin, Lauren


Anderson, Bonnie


Bromberg, Ryan


Doty, Karen


Carson, Ann


Garofalo, Joaquin


Grassel, Kathy


Grant, Steve


Hoch, Liam


Pyles, Amberley


Thornton, Karla


Spittler, Lee





Minutes from January 6, 2010—Minutes were approved


Newsletter for Spring 2010—March 26 deadline for articles to Greg Neutra ( for distribution on April 24

Next Meeting—March 3, 2010, at 6:30 at Preservation Station


Dickens—Ann reported that although profits from this year’s event were still not finalized, it was clear that less profit was made than in previous years.  In addition, guests reportedly missed the ambience created by visiting historic homes that had been decorated for the season.  Kay reported that certain aspects of the event were easier for volunteers: using a professional kitchen; not having to arrange for houses to host the dinner.

A motion to return to the original event format passed. 

Lease with TACA—No progress to report. Tabled

Parking—No progress to report. Tabled

Web Site (—Joaquin reported that the web site looks terrific and encouraged everyone to view it on a regular basis and submit information to Salley Trefethen.

Property Concerns – 402 Broadway SE—Liam reported that the Safe City Task Force has this property owner on their radar and that currently the building is secure.

First Baptist Church – Art School— No new information available. Tabled

Neighborhood Signs—After a brief review of our various names, Karla reported that she will go ahead with making arrangements with the City for creating and installing the one large sign at Central and Elm that says “Huning Highland Historic District.”  Jerry agreed to help Cindy Carson manipulate the graphics of the sign topper to accommodate “Huning Highlands.”  It was suggested that Councilor Benton be approached to secure funding for the sign toppers.  We have no estimated cost yet. It was also mentioned that the sign toppers would be attractive to thieves and that they should be attached securely. 


701 Coal – Proposed Renovation—Amberley reported that the neighborhood has concerns about the windows, landscaping, and parking.  Lauren pointed out that the owners were trying to protect the privacy of patients by the location and size of the windows.  The owners had been invited to tonight’s meeting but did not show.  Amberley said that a mediation session was planned in the near future between the neighborhood and the owners. A motion to allow Amberley and Ann to speak for the Board at the mediation session was approved.

Neighborhood Garden—Bonnie reported Lee had been an invaluable resource to getting the garden set up: operating and repairing the bobcat and trencher; planning the irrigation system; hand digging holes and trenches in tight spots; and cutting down tree limbs that would obstruct the soil delivery truck.  The garden is still under the $2500 budget and as soon as the irrigation system is completed, the gardeners will be invited to help distribute topsoil to the rows.

Adopt a Park—Amberley reported that the sign is up and it’s official.  We have adopted the park.  It is our job to clean the park of trash and to identify problems (graffiti and broken items) once a month.  Amberley and her team will apply for a $500 grant to address the rock landscaped area adjacent to the playground in order to put in something more interesting for children.  Doggie bags (“mutt mittens”) are being installed in a couple places at the park. Amberley is working with Councilor Benton’s office on sweeping changes to the design of the park.  She welcomes ideas from neighbors. Joaquin and Liam will take March; Bonnie and Kathy will take April.

Neighborhood Point System  Tabled

Neighborhood Boundaries/Sector Plan—Amberley posted extensive notes (see web site) on these topics and asked if there were any questions.  Before we can proceed with any changes to the sector plan, more committee work is needed.


Preservation Station Repair Priorities—Joaquin  reported that the priorities are refinishing the big garage door, painting the floor, removing paint from the walls and painting the curbing around the building.  Kay and Jerry will give the name of the soda water removal system vendor to Joaquin. Joaquin will bring a budget to the next meeting.

Recent Fires—Ann reported on the extent of fires to two properties in the neighborhood: a porch fire on Edith and one apartment on High.  She is working with the owners to encourage them to fix the damage.

Draft Design Guidelines for Historic Neighborhoods—Mary Ellen Hennessey presented the new enhanced guidelines, based on research she did on similar documents in cities around the country.  She was especially proud of the emphasis in this document on an educational approach, as opposed to a strictly compliance approach.  There are many drawings and photographs that illustrate the guidelines.  After we have a little time to review the document, we will set up a committee to meet with the other two neighborhoods included in this draft document. Kay (with help from Lauren and Ann) will work with Mary Ellen on the next steps.

Graffiti on Central—Lauren reported that the graffiti-type signage and logos on two businesses on Central (the art gallery and the barber shop) were not appropriate for an historic district.  Others reported that it was not objectionable since it was part of a commercial area.  Mary Ellen pointed out that typically design guidelines don’t regulate painting, unless you could show that painting a previously unpainted masonry surface might constitute an alteration. Lauren will talk to the Broadway neighborhood association to see how they feel.

Adjourned:            7:40 PM


Meeting Minutes March 3, 2010


Meeting Minutes, January 6, 2010