Meeting Minutes July 7, 2010
Preservation Station, 6:40 pm, Joaquin Garofalo, presiding.
Term ending August 2010 |
Term ending August 2011 |
Adams, Kay |
Austin, Lauren |
Anderson, Bonnie |
X |
Bromberg, Ryan |
X |
Doty, Karen |
X |
Carson, Ann |
X |
Garofalo, Joaquin |
X |
Grassel, Kathy |
X |
Grant, Steve |
X |
Hoch, Liam |
Pyles, Amberley |
Thornton, Karla |
X |
Spittler, Lee |
X |
Minutes from June 2, 2010 were approved
Next Meeting On August 4, 2010, at 6:30 at Preservation Station, election of seven Board members will occur. Six of the members whose term is up have said they would be willing to serve again. Kay is not planning to serve another term so there is an opening and David Donaldson has expressed interest in that opening. Lauren has said she will not be completing her term, so that position (one year only) is also open.
Community Garden—Bonnie thanked recent donors to the garden:
- Penny Spittler for the lovely cast iron bird bath
- Lee for supplying electrical out to the new bird bath to run a fountain feature
- Salley Trefethen and Lissa Hammett for the wrought iron glider bench and large cobalt blue planter
Adopt a Park—The Grants led the clean-up in June which went well with the hula hoop activity following drawing several families. David Chamberlain has been helping with park clean up after wind storms that knock down tree limbs by cutting up and removing those fallen limbs. Liam will head up the clean up on Saturday (for July).
Newsletter—The next newsletter will go out November 1, and the deadline for that issue will be mid-October. The last newsletter cost $192 for 600 copies that were delivered by David Chamberlain to neighbors. Five new distribution boxes are being installed around the neighborhood for newsletters and flyers, but several on the Board mentioned the need to move ahead with electronic distribution of neighborhood news. Advertising rates were briefly discussed.
Ann agreed to bring to the August meeting a list of current advertisers, how much they paid for their ad, and how long we promised to run their ad. Joni Nuetra agreed to propose a date for the spring newsletter at the August meeting.
Quality Foods - Old Creamland Dairy Building—David Donaldson is willing to split the costs with Quality Foods for installing the parts that would be required to fix the sound problem from the rooftop compressors that has been plaguing neighbors for blocks around the site. He has been told that the parts will cost about $2,000 and the installation would be about $1,800.
Block Party—Joni reported that the whole neighborhood is invited to a free party on Sunday evening, August 29, from 5:30 – 8:30 on Walter, between Lead and Coal, including TACA and the community garden space. Everyone is asked to bring a dish and there will be games for kids and adults. Whether we should rent tables or ask people to lend them was briefly discussed. We will also need a flyer for this event.
Message Board—The message board has been installed on the west side of TACA and Joni encouraged people to use it. She plans to put up information about a meeting at Hotel Andaluz on July 15 about an upgrade to the Lowe’s grocery store on 12th and Central.
Hotel Parq—Joni reported that Hotel Parq has invited the Board to tour the newly remodeled site before their formal opening. She led a discussion of possible ways we could express our appreciation to them for preserving this historic site. We will make a decision about a gift at the August meeting. The Board will meet at Hotel Parq at 6:30 on August 11 for a tour.
Lovelace Heating Plant—Ann received notice that a hearing will be held to discuss the environmental impact of a new heating plant to be added to Lovelace. She plans to attend that hearing.
Meeting adjourned 7:30 PM