Meeting Minutes, August 4, 2010

Preservation Station, Joaquin Garofalo, presiding

This was the annual meeting of HHHDA, so the format was changed to accommodate elections.  Upon entering, people turned in a membership form and paid their dues in order to receive a ballot and a copy of the annual report.  Those who had paid their annual dues previously (verified by the treasurer, Ann Carson) were also given a ballot and annual report. 

Diane Dolan, assistant to Councilor Isaac Benton, spoke to the group about the status of projects in our area.  Questions and comments from the audience followed Ms. Dolan’s presentation. 

Next, nominations to the ballot from the audience were heard.  Bill Hock was added to the list of candidates.  All candidates for the Board were given an opportunity to present themselves to the audience, explaining their reasons for running for the Board.  Finally, ballots were tallied and the winners were announced:

  • Bonnie Anderson
  • David Donaldson
  • Joaquin Garofalo
  • Moises Gonzalez
  • Steve Grant
  • Amberley Pyles
  • Lee Spittler

The final position was a three way tie (Karen Doty, Phoenix Forrester, Elaine McGivern) that was resolved by a drawing from a hat: Elaine McGivern won the final spot on the Board.

Joaquin thanked everybody for their participation in our annual meeting and elections.


Meeting Minutes, Sept 1, 2010


Meeting Minutes July 7, 2010