August 2011 Meeting Minutes

Preservation Station, August 3, 2011, Amberley Pyles, presiding, Start time 6:35 PM

Board Member Attendance

Term ending August 2011


Term ending August 2012




Anderson, Bonnie


Bromberg, Ryan


Donaldson, David


Carson, Ann




Forrester, Phoenix


Gonzalez, Moises


Grassel, Kathy


Grant, Steve


Hoch, Liam


Pyles, Amberley


Thornton, Karla


Spittler, Lee


Minutes from June 1 were approved.

Police Report—Yvette Garcia, APD Crime Prevention (761-8800), reminded neighbors to report any suspicious activity they witness in the park so that activity can be officially recorded.  Despite the perception that our park is a magnet for criminal activity, official calls do not reflect this.  Greg Brachle, APD lieutenant, said that in the City he was seeing door-to-door “casing” where a criminal poses as a person needing assistance and waits to see if anyone answers the door.  If there is no answer, a break-in may occur.  Greg recommended that neighbors go to the door, but not open it, and instead say loudly that they cannot come to the door right now.  He also speculated that the increase in crime in the City was linked to a decrease in mental health services.  We have hospitals nearby, and when people are released from stays related to drug or alcohol abuse who do not have resources available, they may resort to crime.

Branding Huning Highlands—Jesse Arneson presented his work on a new logo for our neighborhood, including a design for business cards, letterhead, and T-shirts.  The group applauded his designs and thanked him for volunteering his services.  We plan to incorporate the design on our upcoming ballots for the Board elections and the neighborhood membership dues form.  The Board will communicate via email to determine if hats or T-shirts should be ordered before our next meeting.

Proposed Parking Lot at 119 Arno SE—Bill Kramer asked the Board to consider some way that the vacant lot at 119 Arno SE could used to enhance the vitality of the neighborhood and still provide some parking for Standard Diner employees.  He was speaking on behalf of the property owner, Art Hayman, who wants to work with the neighborhood to find some solution to his problem of preventing illegal parking from occurring on that lot.  Mr. Hayman is waiting to acquire the property between the empty lot and the Standard Diner, a house that has been vacant for some time and is now being used by homeless people.  He wants to build something on the two lots combined.  He has had no response from the owner of that vacant house.  Mr. Kramer said that his request for a conditional use permit as a parking lot was going to be heard at the September hearing of the appropriate City commission.

Preparation for the September Board Election—The newsletter which went out at the end of July announced the upcoming Board elections at the September 7 meeting.  The names of the six Board members up for reelection were listed, and one vacancy was announced.  Bonnie will prepare the ballots and staff a membership table at the September meeting.  Neighbors who are interested in running for one of the seven available Board seats should attend the September 7 meeting and be prepared with a few comments about why they want to serve.  The Board meets monthly and a term is for two years.  Members are expected to help organize at least one major neighborhood activity or event.  The ballots will have spaces for write in candidates.

Yard Sale—At this point we do not have a Board member who is willing to organize a yard sale on the weekend of Greek Fest during the Balloon Fiesta.  If any neighbor wants to take on this job, please email Amberley.

Parking near the Artichoke Café—At the request of Terry Keene, owner of the Artichoke Café, Amberley walked the neighborhood surrounding the restaurant during the lunch business hours.  It was obvious that on street parking restricted to residential permits was not being fully utilized, yet patrons of the restaurant were “circling” trying to find parking nearby.  The Board brainstormed possible solutions, including covering the permit signs until the meters actually went in, changing the restricted parking to parking over two hours (which would allow restaurant patrons to use the restricted area without permits), or reducing the residential permitted parking to just one side of the street.  No decision was made.

Block Party—Amberley worked with the Board to identify who would be responsible for a variety of tasks related to the upcoming Block Party on August 21.

Adjourned:  8:10 PM, Next Meeting: Wednesday, September 7


Sept 7 2011 Meeting Minutes


June 2011