May 2, 2012 Meeting Minutes
Preservation Station, May 2, 2012, Bonnie Anderson, presiding. Start Time: 6:30 PM
Board Member Attendance:
Term ending August 2012 |
Term ending August 2013 |
Anderson, Bonnie |
x |
Bloom, Greg |
Donaldson, David |
x |
Bromberg, Ryan |
Gonzalez, Moisés |
x |
Elaine McGivern |
x |
Grant, Steve |
Carson, Ann |
x |
Pyles, Amberley |
Forrester, Phoenix |
x |
Spittler, Lee |
x |
Grassel, Kathy |
x |
Thornton, Karla |
Minutes from the April meeting were approved.
Bonnie Anderson led the meeting in the absence of the president and vice-president.
Matt Zidovsky, constituent liaison for U.S. Rep. Martin Heinrich, addressed the board at the outset of the meeting to let us know of services available to citizens of New Mexico’s First District. Interactions between individuals and the federal government typically are about matters of social security, Medicare, veteran benefits, IRS, and the post office. Mr. Zidovsky said the office has professional case workers to deal with problems that come up for constituents; e.g., not receiving a disability payment or a veteran unable to get an appointment. He wants to come to our general meeting in August. He will contact Amberley to schedule.
Newsletter—The last newsletter was a no-go for too few articles. The articles that were submitted will be included in the upcoming newsletter. It was noted that we have to have a newsletter in advance of an annual meeting to announce candidacies. Discussion for deadlines and dates was deferred to the June meeting.
Lead/Coal—Bonnie updated the board re the Lead/Coal work-in-progress. Five intersections on both Lead and Coal will have bulb-outs at each end on the parking lane side. Finished product will include curbing and landscaping to be hooked into existing irrigation. Each intersection is budgeted at $50,000. The money comes from Debbie O’Malley’s budget.
Garden security—Kathy found an empty beer can behind one of the benches and Bonnie caught some kids in the chicken area. We are still disinclined to lock the gate, but would ask everyone to keep an eye out as they walk by.
Highland Park picnic—The EDo-spearheaded community picnic probably won’t happen. Initial enthusiasm seems to have waned.
Urban Forestry (Tree planting) project—Elaine McGivern, along with Greg Bloom and David Day, applied to the neighborhood outreach program for $4,000 to plant 23 trees on Elm and High off Central. Elaine said they were now ready to submit the tree proposal, except for one possible glitch. A fiscal sponsor is required to be trustee of the money and paymaster of the bills. Rob Dixon of EDo said yes, but it turns out that EDo is a 501c6, not a 501c3. A 501c6 is common of business interests, and the IRS said no. Elaine thought the proviso lacked clarity, and was prepared to submit the proposal and appeal if rejected. Bonnie suggested that TACA (The Albuquerque Conservation Association), a 501c3 that happens to have HHHD board member Ann Carson on its board, be the fiscal sponsor. Ann didn’t foresee a problem and said she would ask her board. Meanwhile, she filled out the form that had to be submitted the next afternoon.
Historic building renovation—Ann Carson reported on various neighborhood pursuits: renovation of 515 Central, the 1950s building next to Pop ‘n’ Taco, is happening; Lovelace has been painted brown; and Holy Cow wants to add on.
Industrial Noise (Quality Foods) at Arno and Iron—David Donaldson said he surveyed his neighbors regarding the noise, and they, too, are bothered. Two neighbors speak only Spanish and feel they have no voice. Another man says he is plagued by noise of the rail yard. His research of City regulations yielded that City only regulates decibels, not hertz (vibrations/sec). David has spent his own money for acoustical testing at his house, and if results reveal a sizable increase from standard, he wishes to initiate a lawsuit.
Miscellaneous—Joni volunteered to paint the blackboard on the west side of the building.
Brigitta again called police re late-night noise of music and revelers at the Press Club.
Adjourned: 7:20 pm
Next Meeting: Wednesday, June 6, 2012