July 2, 2012 Meeting Minutes

Preservation Station, Amberley Pyles, presiding, start time 6:30 PM

Board Member Attendance:

Term ending August 2012


Term ending August 2013


Anderson, Bonnie


Bloom, Greg


Donaldson, David


Bromberg, Ryan


Gonzalez, Moisés


Elaine McGivern


Grant, Steve


Carson, Ann


Pyles, Amberley


Forrester, Phoenix


Spittler, Lee


Grassel, Kathy




Thornton, Karla



Minutes from the June meeting were approved.

Bonnie presented the draft annual State of the Neighborhood report for approval. A few corrections and clarifications were suggested. The report will be published in the newsletter.

Bonnie reported on the annual election that will take place in conjunction with the block party on August 19. She will staff the table, sell memberships and distribute paper ballots to said members. We decided to dispense with the activity of candidates giving brief summaries of their credentials prior to the vote.

Moisés reported a proposal that the former Gas Light Motel space be used for an assisted living facility. The board agreed that such a facility was an appropriate reflection of current and changing demographics of the neighborhood.

David Chamberlain is unable to distribute the newsletter this quarter. The board discussed and approved payment of $40 to Paco Gonzalez to accomplish the task. The annual election in compliance with the bylaws is announced in the newsletter 30 days prior to same, underscoring the importance of timely distribution.

Karla Thornton urged the board and families to patronize Tobias’ food truck to support neighborhood small business, not to mention that the food is excellent. He sets up at the 10th St. growers market every Saturday.

Phoenix Forester is conducting a walking history tour of the neighborhood in the coming semester offered through UNM Continuing Education. Interested parties are encouraged to sign up soon as enrollment is limited. Cost is minimal. Phoenix will host tea at her house at the conclusion of the tour.

The Library at Central and Arno is open and beautiful, according to avid friend of the library Ann Carson who has been keeping close tabs on the years-long renovation. She says community concerts are in the planning stages. She urges the board and neighbors to support the library and its activities.

Karla wants to ask Salley Trefethen, who manages the HHHDA website, if hits to the site can be tracked to assess if people are using or reading the information contained therein. The website is hosted by a vendor at $30 per month. Some feel we aren’t getting enough bang for the buck. Phoenix, who has an online component for her jewelry business, says her web host is $75 for the entire year.

Adjourned: 7:20 pm

Next Meeting: August 6, 2012


August 6, 2012 Meeting Minutes


June 4, 2012 Meeting Minutes