Meeting Minutes March 5, 2014
Preservation Station, Bonnie Anderson, presiding. Start Time: 6:30 PM
Board Member Attendance:
Term ending August 2014 |
Term ending August 2015 |
Anderson, Bonnie |
x |
Bloom, Greg |
Boyd, Joe |
x |
Carson, Ann |
x |
Fink, Zoey |
Grassel, Kathy |
Gonzalez, Moisés |
x |
McGivern, Elaine |
x |
Grant, Steve |
Neutra, Greg & Joni |
Spittler, Lee |
x |
Thornton, Karla |
Trefethen, Salley |
Minutes from the February meeting were read.
Neighbors attending: Carrie, Mark, Sam, David, Jackie, Ron, Nick
Newsletter—Here are the articles people promised to write before March 30 and email to Greg Neutra at so the newsletter can be printed and distributed before the Easter Egg Hunt on April 19:
- Easter Egg Hunt – Ann
- Community Garden – Bonnie
- Tree Project – Bonnie
- Innovate ABQ/Fat Pipe ABQ – Moises
- Walkability/Jeff Speck – Moises
- Why I Love/Live in HH – Ann
- Something else? – Sam
- Spring Clean Up (April 26) – maybe Karla and Zoey?
Public Restrooms—EDO is planning to add one or two public restrooms in the Central neighborhood area and we discussed the need in our area. It was agreed that public restrooms were needed, but we think it would be smart to build them in a way they cannot be easily vandalized or toppled. The park service has created a small but sturdy version. Perhaps we could put some in the parking strip (near the bus stops) on Lead and Coal. They would only take up the place of one car. No decisions were made.
Advertising – Website and Newsletter—We discussed whether businesses not located in the neighborhood should be allowed to buy ads in our newsletter and on our website. Although no vote was taken, it was the feeling of those present that generating revenue was beneficial to our association and that we should allow it.
Tree Project—Thanks to David Day’s initiative, our neighborhood is poised to receive $50,000 in funding for our re-treeing project. $25,000 will come from our City Councilor Isaac Benton’s set aside and $25,000 from state funds obtained by Representative Rick Miera.
501(c)3—Moises will work with Joe to get an estimate from a local lawyer to help us get set up.
Mayor’s Spring Clean Up—Ron, the outreach director for First Presbyterian, said his church would invite food trucks and provide tables and chairs in the church parking lot. They see this as a community building event. Since no one at the meeting was available to organize this event on Saturday, April 26, Moises volunteered Karla and Zoey (who were not present). The event runs from 9:00 – noon and the City will provide trash bags and gloves at the Solid Waste site (have to go there to pick up the supplies) and will pick up the trash bags at the end.
Sign Toppers—Ann showed a photo of the sign toppers in Taos and said she was working to see if we could get something like that in our neighborhood.
Historic book on sale—Ann showed the book that she worked on with the historic association that has text and photos of old Albuquerque. The book is now on sale for $20. You can get copies from Ann.
Meeting adjourned at 7:10. Next meeting is Wed., April 2, 2014.