Meeting Minutes, September 5, 2018
Preservation Station, Bonnie Anderson, President presiding
Minutes—Minutes of the June meeting were read and approved.
Officer Report: New downtown officers came to our meeting. They reported that there is a downtown substation with eight officers. Concerns were expressed about Highland Park, a suspected drug dealer working out of the Imperial Motel, and homeless occupying vacant buildings particularly 615 Arno.
Election results/Election of officers—The Board members on the August ballot were reelected for another term. Officers for the Board were elected. President: Bonnie; VP: Moises; Secretary: Patricia; Treasurer: Salley.
Thanks to Block Party Workers—Appreciation was expressed for all the volunteers for the annual block party.
Lead/Coal update—Bonnie reported that stoplights may not be put in at Walter. The City has noted that stoplights would be very expensive. Isaac Benton’s office says that the City is studying converting Lead and Coal to two-way traffic. More discussion will be on October agenda.
Neighborhood Sign Update—The City wanted the location for the sign on Lead to be moved between High and Walter. The proposed location for the sign on MLK might not work since it would be on the border between HHHDA and Martineztown but the City owns some alternate locations where we could put a sign.
New proposal for property at Coal and High—Erica Rowland presented her proposal for a boutique shopping mall with retail units on the ground level and a restaurant on a new second story at 701 Coal. She envisions new landscaping for the whole property.
A first look at Dickens 2018—Postponed until October.
205 Edith NE update—The owners who are running a business at 205 Edith NE, but who are not living in that house, are still trying to get rezoning approval. The property is currently zoned residential. The Board opposes the rezoning request.
Several roofing requests—Skipped.
ABQ Innovate—Bob Smith from the North Valley had a concern about plans for Innovate ABQ that include a very modern looking glass and steel building just west of the old Baptist Church. Ben says this project has not yet been discussed at the ARC. A suggestion was made for Bob to contact Rob Dixon to get more information.
Meeting adjourned 7:31 pm—Next meeting will take place 6:30pm Wednesday, October 3, 2018.