Meeting Minutes, Nov 7, 2018

Huning Highland Historic District Association Meeting, Preservation Station, Bonnie Anderson, Presiding

Start Time:6:30pm

Board Member Attendance:

Term ending August 2020


Term ending August 2019


Anderson, Bonnie


Leverick, Pam 


Esquivel, Elijah/Jen


Carson, Ann


Sturge, Ben


Grassel, Kathy


Moisés Gonzalez/Karla Thornton


Oakley, Patricia


Grant, Steve


Tanner, David


Spittler, Lee


Vogle, Susan




Trefethen, Salley



Minutes—Minutes of the October meeting were read and approved.

Officer Report—Crime stats: 1 commercial burglary, 5 residential burglaries, 7 vehicle burglaries, 2 auto thefts. 204 Edith NE twice. Ben had a burglary incident with video and has tools with fingerprints but there was no follow up with police. Officer said to call him: 507-4548.

Last minute needs for Dickens—Dickens will be on December 1. Ann will call people to help. After party will be at Ann’s house.

Update on neighborhood signs—A&A Signs will be installing on Thursday and Friday.

Banners for HH—Susan proposed to do banners on Central at the intersections. Lee suggested banners on Lead/Coal/MLK. Jen offered her and David’s skills to help in the design process. Jen will talk to West Downtown people. Bonnie will email Isaac Benton. We need to find out whether the light poles have the necessary brackets.

Ideas for community events in 2019

  • Mother’s Day Tour: need 5-6 houses
  • Movie Night
  • Music Block Party
  • Quarterly Pop-Up Dinners

214 Edith SE—Bonnie read a letter from Gordon expressing concerns about 214 Edith. The owner of 214 Edith was at the meeting and addressed those concerns. There does not seem to be any need for the board to get involved.

Park Volunteers—There are opportunities to become an “Official Park volunteer.”  Tom Coe is one such volunteer and has been picking up litter and dog poop as he walks his own dog.

Update on plans for apartments on the Arno block —Bonnie and Ann went to a meeting with Vince and Rob Dickson regarding his plans for apartments on the property south of Standard Diner. There were no concerns about the plans.

Meeting adjourned 7:30 pm

Next meeting will take place 6:30pm Wednesday, December 5, 2018.



Meeting Minutes, Dec 5, 2018


Meeting Minutes, October 3, 2018