June Meeting Minutes
Huning Highland Historic District Association Meeting
6:30pm | Preservation Station
We were all surprised to hear there was just one incidence of crime in the neighborhood over the last month. The Board voted to send a check for $150 for Police Appreciation Day and the family picnic that will be held.
Fernando Delgado introduced the idea of a neighborhood safety patrol, modeled on the successful volunteer patrol in the Downtown area. Volunteers would be trained in how to be a neighborhood ambassador and use non-confrontational tactics.
Neighbors pointed out that “available” signs were posted on the property. Apparently the vendors were not able to get the necessary zoning permit.
Councilor Benton’s office responded to our request regarding the schedule of street maintenance in our neighborhood. The City does not have maintenance scheduled for any of our streets at the current time. A Board member asked us to confirm that report with Benton’s office.
A new neighbor submitted an email request that we investigate the lack of maintenance of the underpass at I-25 and Lead/Coal. There was some discussion about whether the State or the City was responsible. Moises Gonzalez said that while the State owns the property, the City has agreed to maintain the area.
Homewise responded to our question about their plan for parking, since there is no parking shown on the plans. Although they were planning to arrange for low or no-cost parking on a vacant lot near the property, those plans have not been successful and Homewise is open to our suggestions. Several neighbors suggested that the back building be demolished to accommodate parking on-site. Others commented that there were many on street parking spaces within several blocks of the property. Before the Board votes on any recommendation, we will ask Homewise how many parking spaces they are required to have under City rules.
Salley Trefethen presented plans for the enclosure of her back porch for security reasons. No issues or concerns were raised by neighbors. On an unrelated issue, the Board thanked Salley for volunteering to represent HHHDA at the upcoming Lead/Coal Safety Audit meetings.
Bob Elwood researched the feasibility of mailing a notice to every address in our neighborhood. The mailing would invite residents to get on our email list and also invite them to our annual meeting. He said he would create a draft message and circulate it to the Board for approval before printing/mailing. The Board voted to authorize an expense of up to $350 for this one-time mailing.
While our bylaws do not require an annual block party, they do require an annual meeting, including an election of Board members and reading of an annual report. The Board decided that there was enough interest that we should go ahead and plan for a block party at the Community Garden on August 6, with free food, beverages, and live music. The event will be 5:00 – 8:00 pm and all neighbors will be invited.
Pablo Torres, a neighbor and a member of the Press Club board, invited people to use the press Club as a community meeting place.
Fiona Cooke asked if the Board had any policy regarding air B&Bs. A discussion followed, including references to other cities where policies have limited these arrangements. Moises agreed to find out if a City task force on this subject had come to any conclusions.