Sept 10, 2012 Meeting Minutes
Bonnie Anderson for Amberley Pyles, Presiding, 6:30 pm, Preservation Station
Board Member Attendance:
Term ending August 2013 |
Term ending August 2014 |
Bloom, Greg |
Anderson, Bonnie |
x |
Bromberg, Ryan |
Arneson, Jesse |
Elaine McGivern |
x |
Gonzalez, Moisés |
x |
Carson, Ann |
Grant, Steve |
Forrester, Phoenix |
Amberley Pyles |
Grassel, Kathy |
x |
Spittler, Lee |
x |
Thornton, Karla |
x |
The meeting lacked a quorum; therefore approval of the Minutes from the August meeting was deferred to the October meeting.
Three new members attended the meeting: Zoey who lives at 708 Central SE, Gordon at 216 Edith SE, and David at Silver and Edith SE.
Bonnie Anderson proposed dropping the PayPal link from the website. Membership in HHHDA goes from August to August and PayPal doesn’t work that way.
The meeting day will be tentatively changed to Wednesday to accommodate board member Phoenix Forrester who is unable to attend on Monday. A formal decision will be made when the new board is seated.
David Chamberlain, Highland Park volunteer caretaker extraordinaire, proposed some kind of sign at the children’s play area to remind people that it’s a children’s area and that the sand medium is not an ashtray or a needle disposal site. David regularly sifts and rakes the area and says the problem affects the health and safety of the children who dare play there. He and others suggested a handmade sign; Moisés Gonzalez will speak with Counselor Benton about erecting a city sign.
Elaine McGivern, chairperson of the annual neighborhood block party, thanked everyone for making the party a big success. She reported lots of laughing and having fun. The children’s activities were a big hit, the band 5-star, and the unicyclists’ demo amazing. Special thanks went to the BBQ guy (Lee) and the beer guy (Moisés). In addition to supplying the beer, Moisés returned beer donations to benefit the garden. The raffle, expertly organized by Tasha, raised $225 to go toward the re-tree project. Thanks to our local businesses for providing the raffle opportunities.
Some discussion ensued about planning a possible neighborhood yard sale to coincide with the Grecian festival. The board, representing the official voice of the neighborhood, decided that events such as these are elective and outside the scope of board duties.
The meeting adjourned at 7:30. The next meeting is October 1.