October 2, 2013 Meeting Minutes
Preservation Station, Bonnie Anderson, presiding. 6:30 PM
Board Member Attendance:
Term ending August 2014 |
Term ending August 2015 |
Anderson, Bonnie |
x |
Bloom, Greg |
Boyd, Joe |
x |
Carson, Ann |
x |
Fink, Zoey |
x |
Grassel, Kathy |
x |
Gonzalez, Moisés |
x |
McGivern, Elaine |
x |
Grant, Steve |
x |
Neutra, Greg & Joni |
x |
Spittler, Lee |
x |
Thornton, Karla |
x |
Trefethen, Salley |
x |
Minutes from the September meeting were approved.
Guests: Mark, Sam, Craig and Hope, Tom
Presenter: Rep. Rick Miera
Subway update—Subway’s appeal now goes to City Land Use (LULO), which will be based on Subway’s contention that the Hearing Officer’s decision was arbitrary.
Non-irrigated xeric plants in bulb-outs on Lead and Coal—No trees were planted in these six areas due to lack of underground irrigation. In the interests of keeping them alive through our hot and dry months, Bonnie Anderson, Lee Spittler and other volunteers use two rain barrels, which are twice filled at the garden. Lee’s pickup serves as transport vehicle and watering all the plants takes about two hours. The neighborhood association spent $150 for the barrels and fittings.
Community Garden—Gardeners celebrated a successful fourth year with a harvest festival at the garden. We all brought a dish made with ingredients from the garden’s cornucopia and a good and filling time was had by all. Members pay $50 per annum per family which offsets the monthly water bill. The garden also got a $500 gift from neighborhood revenue for infrastructure needs. Bonnie says any remaining funds will carry over to next season.
501(c)—Joe Boyd emphasized that it’s a good idea to have 501(c) status for a variety of good reasons, not the least of which is that we can attract donations which are then tax-deductible for the donors. Corporations may also enjoy a mild write-off. So far he has talked with Elaine and Bonnie, and with Brian Colon. He says that having a prior 501(c)3 is an advantage that we can build on.
Tree project—Several teams of two are canvassing the neighborhood, mapping and photographing current standing trees and recording their condition. David Day will finish with a plan after mapping is done. At this point, streets are about half done. All mapping will be finished in October. The issue is still watering. The board brainstormed about ways to get the city, county, and state involved with collaborative funding. Being downtown, historic, and good for the city were thought to be attractive selling points.
23rd Annual Dickens of a Dinner—HHHD’s signature event is coming up December 7, always the first Saturday in December. Ann gave us a history and expressed need for houses, guides, gofers, waiters, and cooks. Everyone on the board will volunteer for at least one duty, and agree to talk up the event. Cost is still $65 per person.
Rep. Rick Miera—The highlight of the meeting was attendance by our state representative Rick Miera. Thanks to Steve Grant for connecting with Rick to make it happen. One reason we wanted to see Rick was to find out what is happening at the state level, and especially in the legislature, that could benefit our current and future projects. He advised us to explore funding potential from all levels of government and bring them in. He also asked us to think big rather be satisfied with working in phases to complete a project; e.g., instead of focusing primarily on trees, combine trees with lighting and sidewalks and anything else that fits. Rick will work with the City to determine how much of the total project may be funded with current available funds. Bonnie will put the request in writing to Rick.
Misc—Tom asked if any progress has been made on the Highland Park renovation. Apparently the plans have been drawn and approved, but then the City ran out of money. Board members will follow up with emails to Diane Dolan and Barbara Baca of Parks and Rec.
Joni reported that she brought flowers and cards to welcome three newcomer families to the neighborhood. She let them know about our meetings, garden, and chickens, should they want to get involved.
Bonnie reported that after a couple of phone calls and emails, the open pit full of water on Arno has been remedied. Bonnie also reported that our former president Amberley Pyle is fed up with the condition of her block, which includes two burns; a demolished house now vacant lot; a long-unoccupied house overrun by weeds and peeling paint; broken trees and rubble next door caused by a car ramming a stone fence still not removed after weeks following the crash. She wonders what can be done to expedite improvements on any of the above. Neighbors agreed to call 311 and encourage the landlords involved to make improvements.
Meeting adjourned at 7:35. Next meeting is Wed. Nov. 6.