January 8, 2014 Meeting Minutes

Preservation Station, Bonnie Anderson, presiding, 6:30 PM

Board Member Attendance:

Term ending August 2014


Term ending August 2015


Anderson, Bonnie


Bloom, Greg


Boyd, Joe


Carson, Ann


Fink, Zoey


Grassel, Kathy


Gonzalez, Moisés


McGivern, Elaine


Grant, Steve


Neutra, Greg & Joni


Spittler, Lee


Thornton, Karla




Trefethen, Salley



Minutes from the December meeting were read and approved.

Neighbors attending:  Matt, Alex, Mark, Alyssa

Dickens of a Dinner—Ann Carson gave the board a rundown of the very successful Dickens of a Dinner that took place last month. The event made $1,788. Plaques given to hosts of houses on the Dickens route cost around $700, bringing net profit down to $1,000. Attendees totaled 66 people. Board member Joe Boyd brought eight women! Manny and Paul on the 300 block of Walter won the lighting contest and received the $50 gift card. Dave and Audra won 2nd prize. Third prize featured horses inside a wagon at a house on Walter NE. We congratulated Ann for the 200+ hours she spends every year to recruit houses, volunteers, and stores, as well as managing behind-the-scenes tasks too numerous to list. Salley Trefethen added that the event is much more about community building than the money.

Project Innovate—Bonnie has been following the progress of the slow-but-steady UNM/private/public purchase of the downtown Baptist Church site that when built will provide an “incubator” environment for enterprising people wishing to investigate innovations for our city, county, and world. The board feels that since the site is so close to Huning Highlands, we can hope for trickle-down benefits for our own businesses and residences.

501c3 status—Joe Boyd who is spearheading the non-profit status for the neighborhood association wasn’t at tonight’s meeting, but it was mentioned that Leslie from the 600 block of Walter SE is an attorney and may want to connect with Joe to lend her legal expertise.

New projects ideas—Bonnie had a list of several ideas to develop the neighborhood that the board may want to consider.

Unsightly trash bins: Several apartment complexes have many trash bins lining the street. She wonders if these complexes could have a dumpster instead. Ann volunteered to look into it. Salley will look at City regulations to see if there’s any rule or reg governing the trash bins or placement of dumpsters.

Signage: Several years ago the City offered to set up Huning Highland signs at the entry points of the neighborhood, but the board was in transition at the time and the plan fell through the cracks. Salley said that someone from City who she is dealing with on another matter also deals with signage. She will inquire.

Fire House: Bonnie said the structure is for sale, even though as yet there is no sign indicating same. Alex thought the Greek Church bought it for storage and spill-over for the Greek festival. He said City Public Art Manager Sherry Brugeman had wanted it, but heard the Greek Church got to it first.

Section 8 Housing on Edith and Coal: Bonnie is working with the property manager to put grasses between the ash trees in order to beautify the strip. She will also talk to Penny about acquiring big pots.

AV equipment for meetings: A projector and screen would be helpful at meetings when showing locations for projects or discussion, rather than trying to describe them verbally. While the association has funds to spend, many of us have access to, or know about, the various components to get a system up and running without spending any money. Ann has a projector. TACA also has one and actually wants to store it at Preservation Station and make it available for our use, too. Lee Spittler may be able to find a screen from his workplace surplus.

Vacant properties: For example, there is a landowner who hasn’t upgraded for more than 10 years, and a family wants to buy it. The owner said no, that the offer was too low. Bonnie wants to find a way as a board to “encourage” the owner to fix it or sell it. Salley said the City has rules and perhaps can intervene. Meanwhile, Salley and Bonnie intend to walk the neighborhood to inventory distressed houses, boarded-up houses, and others that could use cosmetic upgrades.

Meeting adjourned at 7:30. Next meeting is Wed., Feb. 5, 2014.


Meeting Minutes February 5, 2014


October 2, 2013 Meeting Minutes