Meeting Minutes, February 3, 2016

Preservation Station, Bonnie Anderson, presiding. Start time 6:30 pm

Board Member Attendance:

Term ending August 2016


Term ending August 2017


Anderson, Bonnie


Leverick, Pam


Boyd, Joe


Carson, Ann


Ben Sturge


Grassel, Kathy


Gonzalez, Moisés


McGivern, Elaine


Grant, Steve


Fink, Zoey


Spittler, Lee


Thornton, Karla




Trefethen, Salley



Minutes of the December meeting were read and approved. The January meeting was cancelled for winter break. Board elected and approved Zoey as secretary,

Crime Report

Officers gave brief crime report. Encouraged us to visit Nothing out of the ordinary to note.

Lead/Coal Update

Ann gave brief history of Lead and Coal. Sam brought two guests to join the discussion; a civil engineer and an urban planner. Sam advises the Board to make a decision that focuses on pedestrian safety and began implementation ASAP. Discussed a variety of options to encourage traffic to slow down, including the 9 warrants to be met to install a stoplight at an intersection. It was reiterated that the neighborhoods aim is to slow traffic and help pedestrians cross safely, not to eliminate traffic.


Ben will check in on the park project to see the plans for 2016

Zachariah will follow up with Wewerka about the house on High across from Holy Cow

ABQ Rapid Transit Project seems to be moving ahead even with neighborhood opposition, awaiting federal funding.

Zoey and Karla will organize the annual block party

Garden will be organized as a “Pay by the Row” system. $50 a row, 4 rows remaining



Meeting adjourned at 7:33. Next meeting is Wed., Mar. 2, 2016. 


Meeting Minutes, April 6, 2016


Meeting Minutes, December 2, 2015