Meeting Minutes, May 4, 2016

Preservation Station, Bonnie Anderson, presiding, Start time: 6:30 PM

Board Member Attendance:

Term ending August 2016


Term ending August 2017


Anderson, Bonnie


Leverick, Pam


Boyd, Joe


Carson, Ann


Ben Sturge


Grassel, Kathy


Gonzalez, Moisés


Tom Pantano/Marie Collinson


Grant, Steve


Fink, Zoey


Spittler, Lee


Thornton, Karla




Trefethen, Salley



Minutes of the April  meeting were read and approved.

Crime Report

Officers gave brief crime report. Similar to last month, some autotheft reported: particularly 4x4’s and pick up trucks.


Board Vacancy, nominated Tom Pantano and Marie Collinson to share the open seat.

Development across from Presebyterian Hospital

Josh Rogers and Jim Strozier joined us to talk about their development project across from Pres that contains mixed use, high end apartments, hotel and retail. Through this project they also plan to make the Central underpass more enjoyable: dealing with pidgeons, installing lights, and pulling back the concrete slopes to increase walkability.

ART Update

Moises gave a brief report about the ART charette and walk from last month. Discussed the changes that we would like to see (slower traffic, posted speed of 25mph at Central, etc). Isaac Benton, ABQ Ride and Innovate ABQ were all present, listened to proposals but did not agree.

Lead and Coal Update

Looking for discretionary funds for the signals. Potential for funding from ART project, the city recognizes that Lead and Coal will be increasingly busy while Central undergoes construction.

Discussion about the best placement for street lights, some concern that Walter is not the best place and will not be able to maintain street parking if traffic lights are installed. Suggested placement on Edith instead.

Random Acts of Kindness

Patrick Mckiney joined us to discuss progress on the Albuquerque Area Firefighters Random Acts #2 Fire House. Slow progress: still in planning mode, waiting on the city to hold rezoning meeting. They plan to lease the property from the city, not buy.

There are bees in the garden! 

Meeting adjourned at 7:27. Next meeting is Wed., June 1, 2016.




Meeting Minutes, June 1, 2016


Meeting Minutes, April 6, 2016