Meeting Minutes, November 1, 2017
Preservation Station, Bonnie Anderson, Presiding Start Time: 6:30 pm
Board Member Attendance:
Term ending August 2018 |
Term ending August 2017 |
Anderson, Bonnie |
x |
Leverick, Pam |
x |
Boyd, Joe |
Carson, Ann |
x |
Sturge, Ben |
x |
Grassel, Kathy |
x |
Moisés Gonzalez/Karla Thornton |
Oakley, Patricia |
x |
Grant, Steve |
x |
Fink, Zoey |
Spittler, Lee |
x |
Vogle, Susan |
x |
Trefethen, Salley |
x |
Minutes—Minutes of the September meeting were read and approved.
Officer Report—Office Justing Shrouf. There was a 43% decrease in calls. There were residential and auto burglaries, one recovered vehicle, and one aggravated assault. There is a new program to patrol Central in the mornings starting at 5am. Bicycle patrols will be monitoring Central and the alleys off Central about twice a week. Officers have been working overtime in the downtown area.
Ann talked about loose dogs fighting in the alley behind the garden. A woman who tried to break up the fight was injured. Officer Shrouf said that Animal Control should be called to report loose animals but police may be called if people are in danger.
Ben reported an incident with a person acting erratically at Silver and High in what proved to be a stolen vehicle. His concern was that there didn’t seem to be clear communication between the dispatcher and the officers who came to the scene. Officer Shrouf said that there can be lag time between dispatch and officers.
Tim reported a burglary on at his house on Edith. Someone came into the house while the residents were in the house.
EDO Social Media Campaign and Rebranding
Jim Maddox and Lauren Greene—Jim Maddox, discussed signage for the EDO/HHHD. There are plans to put a rooftop sign above Rebel Workout, similar to the signs for Nob Hill Center and Morningside Center. He’s hoping there will also be a sign in the vicinity of I-25. HHHDA and Edo plan to collaborate.
Lauren Greene from The Grove Cafe talked about an initiative to promote Huning Highland Historic District and EDO through a rebranding campaign using social media such as Facebook and Instagram. The hope is that EDO and HHHDA be looked at as one - an urban historical neighborhood. They are considering using way-finding signage, maps, and other marketing to tell the story of the neighborhood and attract people to the neighborhood. They would like HHHDA to be part of this effort and have a presence on the working group. Several people at the meeting expressed an interest in being involved.
Museum Exhibit—Ann reminded everyone about the “Mansions, Motoring, and Millennials” exhibit at the Albuquerque Museum. She will give a talk at the Museum on November 18 at 1pm.
B&B Rezoning—Steve Grant talked about rezoning his B&B properties north of Central. The B&B has been in the neighborhood for 11 years. They are approved for B&B but not outside events - like weddings, family reunions, corporate meetings. In order to be able to continue hosting such events, they have to be rezoned. This rezoning will not change what type of business can be located at the property - it will still have to be a B&B. Events hosted at the B&B will be for 50 people ofrless and will end by 10pm.
There was a motion to express support for the rezoning. The motion passed unanimously and a letter of support was given to Steve.
Dickens—Ann passed around a sign-up sheet for volunteers for the Dickens dinner. She has all five houses lined up. The event will be for 80 people - 4 groups of 20 people.
Tax Credits for Historic Preservation—Ann is writing a letter to the state in support of continued tax credits for restoring historic houses.
Station Renovation—Ann reported that one grant is submitted and the other grant will be written when she has more time after the Albuquerque Museum exhibit.
Lead/Coal—Some people in University Heights are initiating a campaign to make Lead and Coal two way streets (for safety and to alleviate noise). They would like support.
First Presbyterian Church sponsored “Coffee with a Cop”. Is there any interest in doing something similar?
There will be a Tiny Village presentation at Highland Theater on November 2.
Is there interest in doing any other neighborhood events - Tasty Tuesdays or something at Halloween?
Other Issues—Kathy thanked Lee for trapping two skunks.
Meeting adjourned at 7:33pm
Next meeting will take place 6:30pm Dec 6, 2017