Meeting Minutes, March 7, 2018

Minutes of the February meeting were read and approved.

Officer Report—Officer Talia Rosenburg reported. Property crime (5 total of any crime) down from last year (9). 


  • Easter Egg Hunt is on Saturday, March 31 (the day before Easter). Amberley Pyles volunteered to coordinate the Easter Egg Hunt, but Ann will confirm this with her. Budget is $300. 
  • Steve reported on his zoning request which has been appealed. The hearing for the appeal is Tuesday, April 3, 9:00 AM, 9th floor, One Civic Plaza . Even without the rezoning, under the new IDO the B&B can do up to 6 wedding events a year.
  • Susan gave an update on signs. Susan presented two of designs. There was discussion  and a vote on the designs. Will need to get city approval before we order the signs. Ben is working with the city. Locations were discussed: Coal and Arno, Lead and Elm.
  • Bonnie reported that a resident had a concern about their neighbor’s front yard. The board will not act on this concern. 
  • Ben brought up the issue of abandoned houses. There was some discussion on how the neighborhood association could encourage and support owners to keep up their houses.
  • Mother’s Day downtown home tour flyer was included in water bill. This was brought up as it might be a marketing strategy idea for our home tour.
  • A discussion began about the EDo minutes and the restriping of Broadway. In the interest of time, it was decided to postpone further discussion until our next meeting.

Meeting adjourned 7:26pm

Next meeting will take place 6:30pm April 4, 2018


Meeting Minutes, April 4, 2018


Meeting Minutes, February 7, 2018