Meeting Minutes, Feb 6, 2019

Preservation Station, Presiding, Bonnie Anderson, Start Time: 6:30pm

Board Member Attendance:

Term ending August 2020


Term ending August 2019


Anderson, Bonnie


Leverick, Pam 


Esquivel, Elijah/Jen


Carson, Ann


Sturge, Ben


Grassel, Kathy


Moisés Gonzalez/Karla Thornton


Oakley, Patricia


Grant, Steve


Tanner, David


Spittler, Lee


Vogle, Susan




Trefethen, Salley



OFFICE REPORT—Officer Lawrence Martinez presented the report for Neighborhood activity from January 4 – February 4. He reported one (1) car vandalized, one (1) burglary and one (1) car theft on Elm Street. Officer Martinez was asked about the possibility of speed bumps on Arno SE and additional lighting on Arno as well.  He advised the property owner report these issues to 311.  He also said that he would place additional patrols on the street to monitor the speeding issue.

ARNO DEVELOPMENT—David Day presented the proposed development for the corner of Arno and Gold, behind the Standard Diner.  This development would include four (4) sets of duplex units – Craftsman style and a three (3) story apartment building – Art Deco style.  The apartments will be one bed/one bath and the duplex units will be 2 bed/2 bath.  3-5% of this project will be accessible and the entire project will be fences with FOB entry.  The project would include limited parking.  There are three (3) zoning changes that will need to be addressed.  These changes will include parking, height variance for the rear building and addressing the Metropolitan Redevelopment Area Extension for City involvement.  Vince DiGregory said that a pedestrian crossing on Central has been proposed, that would provide easy access to the parking garage across the street.  Voting on approval of the requested variances is deferred to the March meeting.

CITY OF ALBUQUERQUE—Carrie Barkhurst, with the Albuquerque Planning Department, presented information on how the new Integrated Planning Ordinance will impact some neighbors.  If a property has two or more accessory dwelling units, the property owner will need to apply for a zoning change request.  She advised that the City of Albuquerque has been educating the public on how to “grandfather” the status of existing property through mailings in utility bills. The City is currently helping property owners with the process of getting an upgraded zoning status to reflect the configuration of their properties.  Each affected property owner will receive a mailed postcard alerting them out the necessary zoning change.  She passed out zoning change application forms and emphasized that this free service will be available through the City until May 16, 2019.  If you have questions, contact       

MOTHERS DAY TOUR—Ann is working on creating a list of homes being volunteered for the Tour.  Salley and Amberley have graciously agreed to work on the publication of the event.

EASTER EGG HUNT—Barbara Maddox agreed to volunteer to head up this year’s Easter egg hunt.

SCHOOL LIASON—Veronica Nolan, the principal of Eugene Field Elementary and Melanie Lewis, Community School Coordinator requested neighborhood participation relative to Eugene Field and Longfellow, the two public elementary schools that serve our neighborhood. They proposed that participation in school activities such as reading tutoring, art projects, and assisting with school gardening will build relationships between the schools and Huning Highland. If anyone is interested in volunteering with this new project, please contact Bonnie Anderson. 




Meeting Minutes, Mar 6, 2019


Meeting Minutes, Jan 2, 2019