Meeting Minutes, Mar 6, 2019

Preservation Station, Bonnie Anderson, Presiding  Start Time:6:30pm

Board Member Attendance:

Term ending August 2020


Term ending August 2019


Anderson, Bonnie


Leverick, Pam 


Esquivel, Elijah/Jen


Carson, Ann


Sturge, Ben


Grassel, Kathy


Moisés Gonzalez/Karla Thornton


Oakley, Patricia


Grant, Steve


Tanner, David


Spittler, Lee


Vogle, Susan




Trefethen, Salley



MINUTES—Minutes from the February meeting were read and approved.

ARNO DEVELOPMENT—David Day reviewed the proposed development for the corner of Arno and Gold, behind the Standard Diner and the proposed variances involved.  Vince and David responded to a few questions about the project.  The Board approved the following variances for this project: 

  • Zoning change from single family to multi-family
  • Height variance for the rear building adjacent to the alley
  • Parking 
  • Extension of a Metropolitan Redevelopment Area to include this lot

MOTHER’S DAY HOME TOUR—Ann announced she had five houses signed up for the tour and is looking for a few more.  She invited people to volunteer to work for a few hours on the day of the tour at each site, providing crowd control and informing guests about the history of each site.  Interested volunteers should call Ann at 242-1143.        

CLEAN-UP DAY—Our neighborhood will participate in the city-wide clean up event on the morning of Saturday, April 27.  Lisa Calderon volunteered to head up the event.

CRIME ON CENTRAL—Leaders of the West Downtown neighborhood are asking other neighborhoods surrounding Central between Coors and Louisiana to support a request to the City to add police presence along Central as follows:

  • 2 bike police officers per 1.5 mile section of Central during the day (total need is 12)
  • 6 officers in police cars during the night
  • Additional police substations along the route

Vince said that the owners of the new hotel going up on the corner of Broadway and Central have agreed to house a police substation at their site.  He encouraged the Board to support this proposal because the “health” of Central impacts the surrounding neighborhoods and the City as a whole.  The Board voted to support this initiative.

PARKING METER CHANGE OF HOURS—The Board voted to approve a request to the City to return the enforced hours for the parking meters on a few blocks off Central to the original 8 AM - 5 PM.  The City had recently expanded those hours to 7 AM – 6 PM.


  • Two members of the Greek Church described their recent attempt to purchase the fire station, now on sale by the City.  The value of the property at $450,000 is based on an old appraisal assuming its use would continue as a fire station.  The City agreed that it was time to ask for a more current appraisal based on use as office/classroom/recreational space.
  • Jen said she had recently been hired by the City as a marketing specialist for the Economic Development Department.  The Board congratulated her and agreed that increased contact between our neighborhood and the City would have positive results.



Meeting Minutes, April 3, 2019


Meeting Minutes, Feb 6, 2019