February Meeting Minutes

Huning Highland Historic District Association Meeting

6:30pm | Preservation Station

Here is a summary of the meeting on Feb. 1, thanks to HHHDA secretary, Jen Esquivel.


  • No Show


  • Prostitution: Fiona

    • Ongoing nightly activity around the Grove trashcans and alley

    • Suggest talking to David Blanc and The Grove to lock the area surrounding the trash bins

  • Homicide at Highland Park: Ben    

    • Elder African American woman killed

    • Process seemed slow/disrespectful; according to Ben; the woman lay dead on the playground most of the day

    • Questioning why the neighborhood is uninformed about such a major event 


Ben reported CABQ Parks Dept is working on it 


  • At November meeting Bruce spoke about state of underpass. He went to City Council on behalf of EDo/HH. Response from Council was unsatisfactory and Bruce wasn’t able to fully express issue. CABQ promised to maintain more regularly.

  • On 12/31 Esquivel family had another bad experience at the underpass. Sent email to Mayor/Ike Benton/other City staff. 

  • Moises indicated they have been keeping the underpass clean for 2 days since email.

  • Neighbors discussed and agreed that we don’t believe the CABQ is doing enough, nor that their promises are kept. 

  • Identified ongoing problem for over 15 years

  • Decision to increase pressure including but not limited to forming a committee, involving the media (Jen, Elijah, Moises, Howard + involve EDo)

  • Discussed working further with ABQ Journal reporter Jessica Dyer on a story (Jen would make contact)

  • Jen gave update as of Feb. 1

    • Article by ABQ Journal in January

    • Underpass improvements promised to be done by January 31 by the CABQ were not completed as noted by several neighbors. 

  • Team indicated they will continue to press the issue with prior plans 


  • From December 2022: Suggested for any and all events that the neighborhood association try to reach out to other neighbors not serving on the Board to help organize/volunteer time/attend events/become involved. Need to find a way to outreach to neighbors. 

  • This topic was brought up in discussion again. Was suggested mailing or flyers should go out in August before annual meeting


  • Jen/Elijah brought up overgrown streetscape along Lead and Coal obstructing drivers’ views from neighborhood streets. 

  • Indicated several 311 calls have been submitted with no response

  • Indicated CABQ representative said it was property owner’s responsibility 

  • Because it seems that the issue will not be resolved, Jen and Elijah proposed for the association to pay Herman (neighbor with landscape company) to limb up trees, trim yuccas and clean streetscape. Herman had provided a quote of $1,941.75 for the one-time service.

  • Board passed a motion to allow the one-time expense


  • Jen noted poor quality work done by the City:

    • Poor cover up on crosswalk at Edith on Lead and Coal

    • Poor cover up of markings on road 

    • Brightness of light effecting Salley and other neighbors 

    • Ensure pedestrian signals work


  • A new neighbor asked why the Silver Hills neighborhood has nice historic looking lights but HH, an actual historic neighborhood, does not

  • Bonnie indicated HH was left out when the historic lights were put in because funding would not cover the entire project length (Broadway to Washington) and HH had recently undergone a streetscape upgrade.


  • Proposal to expand the Range west on Central to include a neighborhood bar with music and a bakery/pickup storefront. 

  • Requesting support to turn existing one-third of the existing temporary parking into permanent parking.

  • The remaining two-thirds of the temporary parking will be sold by the owner, Art Hayman.

  • Vince feels that without off-site parking, his restaurant expansion will not be successful.

  • HH requested Vince to email a clear request to the Board before considering approval of his request


The next meeting will be March 1.


March Meeting Minutes


January Meeting Minutes