March Meeting Minutes

Huning Highland Historic District Association Meeting

6:30pm | Preservation Station

Here is a summary of the March 1 meeting thanks to our secretary, Jen Esquivel.

Guests from CABQ Aaron Nieto, Daniel Monzano were present


January: 2 Commercial Burglaries, 1 Residential Burglary, 5 Auto Burglaries

February:1 Commercial Burglary, 2 Auto Burglaries


Homicide at Highland Park    

February: Elderly African American woman killed. Process seemed slow according to Ben: the woman lay dead on the playground most of the day. Questioning why the neighborhood is uninformed about such a major instance

March:  APD: Can’t comment on open investigation 

Other: Neighbors applauded Mounted Patrol. Neighbors asked about patrol of the Central Ave Underpass (See below) 



  • At November meeting Bruce spoke about state of underpass. He went to City Council on behalf of EDo/HH. Response from Council was unsatisfactory and Bruce wasn’t able to fully express issue. CABQ promised to maintain more regularly

  • On 12/31 Esquivel family had another bad experience at the underpass. Sent email to Mayor/Ike Benton/other City staff. 

  • Moises indicated they have been keeping clean for 2 days since email. 

  • Neighbors discussed and agreed that we don’t believe the CABQ is doing enough nor that their promises are kept. 

  • Identified ongoing problem for over 15 years

  • All decided to increase pressure including but not limited to forming a committee, involving the media (Jen, Elijah, Moises, Howard + involve EDo)


  • Discussed working further with ABQ Journal reporter Jessica Dyer on a story 

  • Article by ABQ Journal in January

  • Underpass improvements promised to be done by January 31 by the CABQ were not completed as noted by several neighbors. 

  • Team indicated they will continue to press the issue with prior plans


  • APD was questioned about patrolling the Central Ave Underpass. Said they would check with Area Commander to increase patrol. 

  • CABQ Representatives: Transit Security making hourly patrols (M-F, 8-5 ??) / ABQ Ambassadors making daily cleaning (M-F)

  • Neighbors noted and requested change to no weekend coverage

  • Jen gave update: Neighbors reported continued poor conditions. Neighbors noted most improvements promised by CABQ in January had been implemented. Mention of collaborative effort led by ABQ Core to submit a letter for at-grade pedestrian crossing/long-term solution.

  • CABQ representatives said action for long-term solution expected by end of Keller’s second term.

  • Team will continue to monitor and press issue


Bonnie asked for feedback on the new street light at Walter x Coal 

  • Neighbors gave mixed feedback - “slower traffic,” “being treated as a stop sign,” “pedestrian signals responsive,” “camera placement/car sensor working”

  • Sally said she would check the lumens of the light and send an email on the results

  • Jen asked City officials to make the contractor do a better job of the former striping removal. Also noted overall poor condition of striping/paving in HH. 

  • City officials said they would look into where HH is on the repave/restripe list kept by DMD


  • David Tanner, President of EDo: Time commitments are difficult for business owners. Hoped Marisol of Bahava Yoga would commit as she indicated. 

  • Bruce Redford, Board member HH: Expressed a representative is needed from the EDo board to bring committed business owners/ideas of participation

  • Absent an EDo Board member commitment, the event might not happen in 2023 


Fire Station on High St. – Owned by Greek Orthodox Church

  • Bonnie reported communication about the landscape. Greek Church indicated funding issue.

  • Bonnie reported an invitation to hold HH meetings at the facility 

Vacant Building on 318 Elm SE 

  • Arson of the Cypress tree reported, fence suggested

  • Owned by Law Firm, who will be occupying the space soon. 

Church adjacent to Storehouse on Broadway

  • Bonnie noted roof is in need of major repair 

  • Elijah noted owned by Adelante, donated property, used for dry storage, that he had a contact he would share via email

119 High Street: Owned by Homewise, working on MRA funding 



No Trespassing Signs

  • Noted as effective for EDo Spaces

  • CABQ Officials confirmed it is an initiative of the Valley Area command

Property Values: Noted that values are going up, but investment into HH/EDo by CABQ is not reflective of this increase 


The next meeting will be April 5


April Meeting Minutes


February Meeting Minutes