Oct 5 Meeting Announcement
Here is the draft agenda for our monthly neighborhood meeting on Wednesday, October 5 at 6:30 PM at the Garden. Ann Carson has agreed to lead the meeting in the absence of our president and vice president. The Board welcomes input and participation from all residents of the neighborhood. Attached are the minutes from the September meeting.
Sept 7 2011 Meeting Minutes
Bernalillo County Liaison—Lenton Malry spoke to the group about how the county commissioners are interested in supporting neighborhoods.
Annual Election—After brief comments from candidates, there being exactly seven candidates and exactly seven openings, all seven candidates
May 2011 Meeting Minutes
Mother’s Day Home Tour—Amberley set up a schedule with those in attendance for various duties for the Home Tour.
LUCC Wood Window Workshop—The Board agreed to sponsor one workshop lunch (13 people) for up to $125 and Karla volunteered to see if our past president, Joaquin, would be interested in providing this lunch out of one of his restaurants.