Sept 10, 2012 Meeting Minutes
The meeting lacked a quorum; therefore approval of the Minutes from the August meeting was deferred to the October meeting.
Three new members attended the meeting: Zoey who lives at 708 Central SE, Gordon at 216 Edith SE, and David at Silver and Edith SE.
Bonnie Anderson proposed dropping
August 6, 2012 Meeting Minutes
Minutes from the July meeting were approved.
Historic buildings—Artist Judy Chicago and spouse photographer Donald Woodman, accompanied by architect Chuck McGuire and their contractor Gregg Flynn, attended the meeting to present their plans for an extensive rehab and remodel of their future residence on Arno SE. Chicago and Woodman moved from the East to New Mexico and have lived in Belen since 1972, having renovated an early 20th century Victorian hotel to serve as their primary residence. They are in the process of getting necessary permits for the Arno house and will be going before Landmarks seeking approval for an addition and setbacks. They showed the board historic photos from 1918 along with
July 2, 2012 Meeting Minutes
Minutes from the June meeting were approved.
Bonnie presented the draft annual State of the Neighborhood report for approval. A few corrections and clarifications were suggested. The report will be published in the newsletter.
Bonnie reported on the annual election that will take place in conjunction with the block party on August 19. She will staff the table, sell memberships and distribute paper ballots to said members. We decided to dispense with the activity of candidates giving brief summaries of their credentials prior to the vote.
Moisés reported a proposal that
June 4, 2012 Meeting Minutes
Minutes from the May meeting were approved.
Block Party and Election—Much of the meeting was devoted to planning the annual block party and elections. Elaine will coordinate and ask for/assign volunteers. Elaine will ask Joni Conrad-Neutra to co-coordinate. We voted a ceiling of $400 to spend on music, decorations, food and drink. Karla will investigate local bands who will play for free or reduced rates. The block party
May 2, 2012 Meeting Minutes
Matt Zidovsky, constituent liaison for U.S. Rep. Martin Heinrich, addressed the board at the outset of the meeting to let us know of services available to citizens of New Mexico’s First District. Interactions between individuals and the federal government typically are about matters of social security, Medicare, veteran benefits, IRS, and the post office. Mr. Zidovsky said the office has professional case workers to deal with problems that come up for constituents; e.g., not receiving a disability payment or a veteran unable to get an appointment. He wants to come to our general meeting in August. He will contact Amberley to schedule.
Newsletter—The last newsletter was a no-go for too few articles. The articles that were submitted will be included in the upcoming newsletter. It was noted that we have to have a newsletter in advance of an annual meeting to announce
March 2011 Meeting Minutes
Meeting with the Mayor, in conjunction with EDo—Amberley asked who would be available to meet with the Mayor in a few weeks during lunch at the Artichoke. There will be a pre-meeting with EDo representatives to discuss the talking points the group wants to share with the Mayor. Moises, Steve (via a previous conversation with Amberley), and Amberley committed. Liam, Ann, and Karla will check their calendars.
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