Meeting Minutes, November 4, 2015
New Board Member
The board met and welcomed Pam Leverick as a new board member, replacing Mary Karafonda, who moved out-of-state to care for family members. Pam and her husband own three properties in Huning Highlands.
Fire Station #2
Patrick McKinney attended the meeting to announce the success of Random Acts in acquiring the fire station, which has stood empty for many months. Random Acts will be transformed into temporary housing for families of fire fighters. There are still some minor zoning hurdles to overcome.
Crime Report
Scott Seibel reported the crime activity
Meeting Minutes, May 7, 2014
This was a special meeting to receive input from neighbors about the proposed BBQ restaurant at the old fire station. After a brief introduction to the assembled neighbors (about 30) about the regular meeting schedule of the HHHDA and the issue on the agenda, Bo Barnwell (the restaurant owner) gave a summary of his proposal. Then, in two-minute segments, neighbors shared their concerns about the proposed BBQ restaurant at the old fire station site:
Meeting Minutes, April 2, 2014
Mayor’s Spring Clean Up—Ann said anyone interested in participating could get trash bags at the station and leave them there for pickup by Solid Waste.
Tree Project—For our re-treeing project, the neighborhood should expect to receive $25,000 this fall and the second $25,000 in the spring of 2015. Neighborhood leaders will be named, who will endeavor to get promises to water and care for the trees.
Park Renovation—After a long period of inactivity re plans to renovate Highland Park, Councilor Isaac Benton had a m
Meeting Minutes March 5, 2014
Public Restrooms—EDO is planning to add one or two public restrooms in the Central neighborhood area and we discussed the need in our area. It was agreed that public restrooms were needed, but we think it would be smart to build them in a way they cannot be easily vandalized or toppled. The park service has created a small but sturdy version. Perhaps we could put some in the parking strip (near the bus stops) on Lead and Coal. They would only take up the place of one car. No decisions were made.
Advertising – Website and Newsletter—We discussed whether businesses not located in the neighborhood should be allowed to buy ads in our newsletter and on our website. Although no vote was taken, it was the feeling of those present that generatin
Meeting Minutes February 5, 2014
Easter Egg Hunt—Ann Carson announced that a neighborhood realtor, Lauren Austin, has offered to sponsor the annual neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt in the amount of $400. The event will be held on Saturday morning, April 19, and Jackie Smee and Tom Coe volunteered to help Lauren and her daughter, Marina, with preparations.
Re-Tree Project—David Day and Fernando Delgado gave us a status report on the project to re-tree our neighborhood. This all-volunteer project
January 8, 2014 Meeting Minutes
Dickens of a Dinner—Ann Carson gave the board a rundown of the very successful Dickens of a Dinner that took place last month. The event made $1,788. Plaques given to hosts of houses on the Dickens route cost around $700, bringing net profit down to $1,000. Attendees totaled 66 people. Board member Joe Boyd brought eight women! Manny and Paul on the 300 block of Walter won the lighting contest and received the $50 gift card. Dave and Audra won 2nd prize. Third prize featured horses inside a wagon at a house on Walter NE. We congratulated Ann for the 200+ hours she spends every year to recruit houses, volunteers, and stores, as well as managing behind-the-scenes tasks too numerous to list. Salley Trefethen added that the event is much more about community building than the money.
Project Innovate—Bonnie has been following the progress of the slow-but-steady UNM/private/public purchase of the downtown Baptist Church site that when built will provide an “incubator” environment for enterprising people wishing to investigate
October 2, 2013 Meeting Minutes
Subway update—Subway’s appeal now goes to City Land Use (LULO), which will be based on Subway’s contention that the Hearing Officer’s decision was arbitrary.
Non-irrigated xeric plants in bulb-outs on Lead and Coal—No trees were planted in these six areas due to lack of underground irrigation. In the interests of keeping them alive through our hot and dry months, Bonnie Anderson, Lee Spittler and other
September 4, 2013 Meeting Minutes
Block party/annual meeting—Feedback re the block party was positive. Newcomers to the neighborhood Amy and Larry said they were able to meet many people. Joni commented that the non-amped music was better suited to conversation and meeting people. Everyone agreed. The block party was a money maker: Moisés donated $40 in tips and donations from the keg; the raffle earned the chickens $170; and fees from first-time and renewing members garnered $92. Expenses were in the $200 range. Paid members voted for candidates for board for a two-year term.
New board member—Board member Jesse Arneson and family
July 3, 2013 Meeting Minutes
Block party—Since the block party doubles as the annual meeting, the board planned a newsletter to be distributed the required 30 days before an annual meeting. The newsletter will include the slate of candidates and annual report. Zoey Fink, who is heading up the party, will write an article announcing it. Joni will ask Greg and David C. about distribution.
Tree project—The board voted its $5
December 5, 2012 Meeting Minutes
Minutes—The November minutes were read and approved.
Dickens of a Dinner—We shared highlights of the Dickens of a Dinner fundraiser that was held on Saturday, Dec. 1. While attendance was down slightly from previous years, the event was very successful.
Expenses—The Board approved two miscellaneous expenses: $60 for a live animal trap (for a neighborhood raccoon) and $85
Nov 7, 2012 Meeting Minutes
No quorum—The meeting lacked a quorum. The October minutes were read, but approval is postponed pending a quorum.
Attending—Many neighborhood residents attended. Benjamin, Sharon, Sam Kochansky, Alyssa Kessler, Paul Padilla, Angela, and Allie Moore introduced themselves and their interests in the neighborhood. Bonnie welcomed them and explained the workings of the association and the board.
Lead/Coal Project—We discussed the progress of the Lead/Coal project. Bonnie reported that improvements are actually going to
Oct 1, 2012 Meeting Minutes
Minutes from the August meeting were approved. September’s meeting lacked a quorum; minutes were read but there was no need to approve.
Dickens of a Dinner—Ann Carson appealed for volunteers to fill one of the many possible jobs to make the upcoming 23rd annual Dickens of a Dinner the huge success that the Huning Highlands neighborhood has come to expect. The event is to be held