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Meeting Minutes, February 7, 2018


  • Salley reported that there was a scam targeting various neighborhood associations asking for money for projects.
  • Vince reported that the Storehouse says that they want to move but have not acted on it. In light of that, he’s considering various options for development. The EDo board trying to get a $100,000 grant. Plans are for signage
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Meeting Minutes, November 1, 2017

EDO Social Media Campaign and Rebranding

Jim Maddox and Lauren Greene—Jim Maddox, discussed signage for the EDO/HHHD. There are plans to put a rooftop sign above Rebel Workout, similar to the signs for Nob Hill Center and Morningside Center. He’s hoping there will also be a sign in the vicinity of I-25.  HHHDA and Edo plan to collaborate.

Lauren Greene from The Grove Cafe talked about an initiative to promote Huning Highland Historic District and EDO through a rebranding campaign using social media such as Facebook and Instagram. The hope is that EDO and HHHDA be looked at as one - an urban historical neighborhood.

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Meeting Minutes, October 4, 2017

Dickens update—Ann is still working on getting houses for Dickens.

Museum Exhibit—Ann is curating an exhibit for the Albuquerque Museum.  The theme is “Mansions, Motoring, and Millennials, and will cover Central from the early 1900’s to the present. On November 18, Ann will give a talk at 1pm at the Museum.

Bonnie expressed

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Meeting Minutes, September 6, 2017

Development Issues

  • ART shelter at Walter and Central not to have shade because of designs were not approved by the state historical organization. The city will address this concern after ART construction is completed.
  • 214 Walter St SE is getting solar. Will not be seen from roadside, Bonnie noted that she felt every solar project in our neighborh
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Meeting Minutes, July 5, 2017

Officer Report—Cindy Pino presented the officer report with 16 auto burglaries and 2 auto thefts. She reminded us that Officer Appreciation day is August 11th 11-3pm at 5408 2nd St. NW.

IDO—There is talk of changing the wording within the IDO about alcohol sales and zoning. Would require 500ft between a liquor store and residential zone, and 1000ft between retail liquor stores. The final vote will take place August 16, Bonnie will research what this change would mean for a grocery store selling liquor.

Tree Project Potential—RFP for one neighborhood to receive 100 trees from the city. Don’t think our neighborhood

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Meeting Minutes, June 7, 2017

Crime Report: Officer Sanders and PACT Cindy Pino reported a spike in auto burglary. Of the 11, two were unlocked. Of the three auto thefts, one was recovered. Gordon B. complained of people shooting up during the day under the Central overpass. Off. Sanders said that APD was working with the Alvarado Task Force, and that the underpass is on everyone’s radar. He said businesses have responsibilities, too, and are supposed to have private security.

Mother’s Day Home Tour was a huge success, 400 people attending, earning the neighborhood ~$5,000.

Stop Light on Walter update. Diane Dolan reports that because of a decision to make several 4-way stops permanent at intersections that erstwhile

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Meeting Minutes, May 3, 2017

Easter Egg Hunt—The Easter Egg hunt on April 15 was very successful. Annabelle announced that she will no longer be organizing, and Amberley stepped up to organize the 2018 event. 

Mother’s Day Tour—The Mother’s Day tour will be held on Sunday, May 14, Ann sent around a volunteer sign-up sheet to get all hands on deck to help staff houses and sell tickets. 

209/211 Broadway—The Architectural

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Meeting Minutes, April 5, 2017

Officer Report—Our new PAC Sgt. Sanders reported 4 auto burglaries, some vandalism, but nothing of huge concern. APD performed 3 auto burglary arrests which should show positive stats. 

Greek Church Update—Gary from the Greek Orthodox church presented plans to construct traditional bells outside of the church. The bells will be located inside the church walls, near the large pine tree, and will ring regularly Saturday at 6pm and Sunday at 10am. The board supported the plans unanimously.

IDO Update—The Board submitted a proposal to require a 120-day period before demolition on any structure in our neighb

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Meeting Minutes, December 7, 2016

Officer Report—Lt. Aragon visited to alert us of a new sergeant coming to our neighborhood. Neighbors encouraged officers to patrol the Central tunnel more frequently. Scott Seibel reminded us to be home to claim packages, not to leave vehicles running unattended, and support community policing/ neighborhood watch.

Website—Sally encourages us to make the website more active, with a regularly updated “News” section in lieu of printed newsletters. Can send out E-Newsletters to the neighborhood email list.

Home Renovation Signs—Pam followed through to get yard signs made for houses under constructions. Neighbors can borrow the signs during renovation periods.

Dickens of a Dinner—Another successful event thanks

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Meeting Minutes, May 4, 2016

Development across from Presebyterian Hospital

Josh Rogers and Jim Strozier joined us to talk about their development project across from Pres that contains mixed use, high end apartments, hotel and retail. Through this project they also plan to make the Central underpass more enjoyable: dealing with pidgeons, installing lights, and pulling back the concrete slopes to increase walkability.

ART Update

Moises gave a brief report about the ART charette and walk from last month. Discussed the changes that we would like to see (slower traffic, posted speed of 25mph at Central, etc). Isaac Benton, ABQ Ride and Innovate ABQ were all present, listened to proposals

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Meeting Minutes, February 3, 2016

Lead/Coal Update

Ann gave brief history of Lead and Coal. Sam brought two guests to join the discussion; a civil engineer and an urban planner. Sam advises the Board to make a decision that focuses on pedestrian safety and began implementation ASAP. Discussed a variety of options to encourage traffic to slow down, including the 9 warrants to be met to install a stoplight at an intersection. It was reiterated that the neighborhoods aim is to slow traffic and help pedestrians cross safely, not to eliminate traffic.


Ben will check in on the park project to see the plans for 2016

Zachariah will follow up with Wewerka about the house on High across from Holy Cow

ABQ Rapid Transit Project seems to be moving ahead

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Meeting Minutes, December 2, 2015

Dickens of a Dinner

Ann Carson gave a rundown of the Dickens schedule, the order of houses, and the volunteers serving at each house.

Lead/Coal Update

Lead got new striping, configured in such a way as to give the impression of narrower lanes. Councilor Benton’s staff (Tom) will be meeting about Coal in the coming days. The Board discussed the merits of signalized crosswalks at Edith and Walter. Bonnie will find out what they look like.


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